Healing Emotional Wounds


My specialty is working with adults who have grown up under care givers who were emotionally disconnected/rejecting and/or who have been involved in emotionally draining relationships.

Mental Illness, narcissism, substance addiction, incarceration, etc of caregivers can have a direct affect on how we develop and who we choose as companions.  As a result we can end up with deficits and lack secure attachments. My work include identifying core attachment needs, boundary setting, and self care. Many adults grew up under circumstances where they had to be the adult or manage their own emotional needs without adequate support.

Sometimes you question 'Who am I or Who should I be'. There is a feeling that your identity is illusive inconsistent or feel like you are a fraud.  This has created fear and anxiety. You do well at caring for others however it is difficult to see where you matter or need care.  You have difficulty trusting others with your whole heart and live in fear of not getting your own emotional needs met. Even though you are an adult you have had to grow up learning how to meet your own emotional needs or to simply learn to Not Feel.

Contact us today for your free 15-minute phone consultation