IFS Therapy


What is IFS Therapy?

two hands holding jigsaw pieces

Internal Family Systems( IFS) is an integrative model which holds a concept of the mind having an inner family of parts. Developed by Richard C Schwartz, PH.d in the 1980’s, it was affirmed that everyone possessed a Self or an active, positive inner leader. It is through this Self that we learn to release past wounds, burdens and faulty beliefs. Qualities of Self energy (what it looks like when we allow our Self to lead) are Calmness, Curiosity, Compassion, Confidence, Courage, Clarity, Connectedness, and Creativity. These are known as the 8c’s in IFS. It is held that Self Energy exists in everyone, and it often has a desire to restore balance, harmony, and healing to the system. The clinician works to help the client identify when they are operating from a Part and assist them in allowing Space for the Self to emerge and lead the internal system.

Parts are described as components of the psyche, related to as subpersonalities. They have also been referred to as ego states, schema, or archetypes. In IFS the belief is that worry, sadness, fear or even physical pain can indicate the presence of a Part. They can be experienced through sensation, emotions or thoughts. These Parts hold our vulnerability and pain. Although they may cause us to respond or react in extreme ways, In IFS There are No bad Parts. Parts have 2 primary roles, to Protect and Manage. Two protective parts are called Managers and Firefighters. Managers are the parts that keeps us proactive, in control and pushes vulnerability away working to prevent us from feeling any emotional pain or instability.  Firefighters are protective parts that jump into action when wounded or traumatized parts of us are activated. They usually cause us to behave in more extreme ways such as drug use, arguing, over spending and so forth. All in an effort to silence or soothe the exile. Finally, Exiles are our traumatized and thus vulnerable parts. They have been shut away or exiled into the system for safety. When they are present the person may often feel vulnerable and afraid. 

IFS therapy works to harmonize parts, and synthesize the system allowing it to operate in a healthy manner.

Contact us if you have any questions or use our digital assistant Wendi to schedule an intake appointment today!